“Melody of Ocean” collection is a universal project that focuses on underwater creatures. Dolphins which can swim 40 km per hour, dive 300 meters deep, swim 130 km a day are imprisoned just because they smile. Even the biggest pool cannot be as big and free as ocean. Moreover, female dolphins give birth while swimming fast in their natural atmosphere. As these creatures cannot swim 40 km per hour, dive 300 meters deep, or swim 130 km a day in the aquariums, hundreds of mother dolphins have miscarriages because of stress. Never do believe the smile on their face. They still smile when they are dead…

We, human, have the ability to express ourselves even when we have tiny pain. However, sea creatures are not like us. Therefore, in this collection the designer gives them a mouth and a tongue to express themselves, which might be their first scream but it could have not been possible with the words because words belong to languages and the languages belong to races. If we listen to a foreign language song, we generally feel the same feelings although we don’t know the language. Because music is universal… In Melody of Ocean, the designer has written music sung by underwater creatures. They will tell us “The Best War Is Peace” and entertain while presenting a colourful festival. Let’s see what will their art piece whisper to us…


“Melody of Ocean” collection is a universal project that focuses on underwater creatures. Dolphins which can swim 40 km per hour, dive 300 meters deep, swim 130 km a day are imprisoned just because they smile. Even the biggest pool cannot be as big and free as ocean. Moreover, female dolphins give birth while swimming fast in their natural atmosphere. As these creatures cannot swim 40 km per hour, dive 300 meters deep, or swim 130 km a day in the aquariums, hundreds of mother dolphins have miscarriages because of stress. Never do believe the smile on their face. They still smile when they are dead…

We, human, have the ability to express ourselves even when we have tiny pain. However, sea creatures are not like us. Therefore, in this collection the designer gives them a mouth and a tongue to express themselves, which might be their first scream but it could have not been possible with the words because words belong to languages and the languages belong to races. If we listen to a foreign language song, we generally feel the same feelings although we don’t know the language. Because music is universal… In Melody of Ocean, the designer has written music sung by underwater creatures. They will tell us “The Best War Is Peace” and entertain while presenting a colourful festival. Let’s see what will their art piece whisper to us…